The Basics of Running a Successful App Download Campaign
An app download campaign is designed to increase installs of a mobile app from different sources that are outside the marketplace.
A good User Interface (UI) always has high conversion rates and is easy to use. Our UI team studies the wireframe created by our UX team during project sign up to create user-engaging elements in an operational, usable, and adaptable system.
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We are well-versed with the best CSS frameworks available in the market today. Frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, Bulma, Semantic UI, etc. make device and browser support, speed, intuitiveness of interface, and pixel-perfect designs easy to build.
Design systems, built on solid foundations can elevate your product's user experience at various touchpoints. We like to use them in projects wherever we can. Some of the systems we love are Material Design, Atlassian, and Salesforce lightning design system.
We have always invested in learning the newest technologies. We started working with ReactJS in 2015, a few months after it was open-sourced. In recent years, we have developed competence in AngularJS, VueJS, and EmberJS to power the frontend of modern applications.
With modern users, speed is of utmost importance. We take great care in delivering the applications with all the speed optimizations in place. We make use of workflows which help us create production ready, minified code to help us along.
Quality animations can enhance the user experience greatly. We understand that your customer expects a little bit more, from small animations on input elements to the big interactive hero of your website. We create CSS and JS animations by using well-established libraries like Animate.css, Velocity JS, GreenSock, and many more.
You may have your own internal backend team, or you have used the services of an agency like us for backend development.
Proper handover of frontend code becomes extremely important. Since for most projects we handle backend development, we understand the importance of process when the project changes hand from frontend to backend.
We create artefacts required for the proper handover of all our frontend projects. The code produced is minified, bundled with source maps, and then properly tested on various devices and browsers. We pass along the tips to help you integrate with backend code and simplify the process.
We will work with your backend team to create a checklist which will serve as a reference and single source to the truth. A checklist is also created to help you deploy your application on a production environment.
Package managers have changed the workflows for developers. We use industry standards to produce the code. Our projects are often built using Sasa, bower, gulp, and npm to manage the dependencies of various assets.
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We are a team of dedicated professionals. We approach our work with a curious mindset. We constantly learn and unlearn to help you create a better digital experience for your customers.
Team of Design Professionals
Years of combined experience
Average Age